Jeez, it seems like only 5 and a half months ago.....

To celebrate the monumental achievements of the "Little Blog That Could", I've decided to do a little "retrospective" today, running through some of the soaring highs and mind-numbing lows we've experienced through the course of the last 500 installments. Look at it as a cross between a "Greatest Hits" album and a sitcom "clip show". This post will be a good place for new readers to catch up on what they might have missed, as well as a walk down memory lane for the millions of die-hard fans that have been here since day one. I'll try and do one of these every 500 posts or so from here on out. That being said, let's begin...
-Dec. 1st, 2008: The first post ever, featuring a brief introduction and an image of an enthroned Skeletor, appears on www.illogicalcontraption.blogspot.com. Rioting, looting, and chaos break out in the streets of San Francisco as tens of fans celebrate in an orgy of frenzied debauchery.

-Dec. 8th, 2008: Illogical Contraption turns one week old. Aesop celebrates.
-Dec. 12th, 2008: Illogical Contraption publishes an expose on the forgotten late 80's television show Captain and the Soldiers of the Future. As a result, Captain Power's imdb user rating skyrockets 0.1%.
-Dec. 21st, 2008: A long standing rivalry is established with that knucklehead over at Cory Is A Feeling. To date, the conflict remains unresolved.
-Jan. 2nd, 2009: The legendary Repka vs. Seagrave Heavy Metal Album Cover Grudge Match begins. In a stunning turn of events, Michael Whelan wins.

-Jan. 13th, 2009: Illogical Contraption slags Burning Man. Unsurprisingly, Burners get butt-hurt.
-Jan. 20th, 2009: Millions of innocent lives are spared when a Doomsday Survival Guide is published, whose importance overshadows any other historic events which may have happened on this particular day.

-Feb. 1st, 2009: It is revealed that future Illogical Contraption contributing writer Erik Del Tigre has a dinosaur named after him. Erik responds, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that".
-Feb. 10th, 2009: A short piece on
Heavy Metal Cryptozoology is published, once again devastating a scientific community still recovering from the "Mantler Debacle".
-Feb. 12th, 2009: First documented case of weirdness involving the I.C. Hit Counter.

-Feb. 18th, 2009: The first and only download link is cheerfully removed from Illogical Contraption, after a complaint from prog-rock dinosaurs King Crimson.
-Feb. 24th, 2009: The first piece written by someone besides myself is published, a review of the B-movie classic Eliminators by Erik Del Tigre. Don't tell him, but I still haven't seen it.
-Feb. 28th, 2009: Introductory post from frequent contributor Peter, about Absu, pizza, and Texas.

-March 6th, 2009: First post from K-Rock, Druish Princess from Denver.
-March 10th, 2009: The hefty, 900-page Illuminatus! Trilogy is cooked down into a 6-paragraph summary, widely regarded as superior to the original.
-March 19th, 2009: Illogical Contraption breaks an exclusive story about The Artist Formerly Known As Prince, Formerly Known As The Artist Formerly Known As Prince, Currently Known As An Indescribable Fragrance.
-March 20th, 2009: First (and only) post from "The Heckler", who, in typical "Heckler" fashion, informs us that we all suck and he rules.

-March 30th, 2009: Illogical Contraption signs with its first ever corporate sponsor, Skimmy Jabrone Realty, Inc.
-April 6th, 2009: First run-in with the faux SF space-cult known as The Jejune Institute. Espionage, counterespionage, and general weirdness ensue.
-April 6th, 2009: A piece on Reputaion-Destroying Metal Albums throws the internet into chaos, causing confused nerds at this message board to heatedly discuss whether or not I was making fun of glam-era Pantera (below). For the first time, Illogical Contraption is referred to as "the poor man's Metal Inquisition".

-April 20th, 2009: First-time contributor Ethanomicon premieres his homemade creature flick, Monsterlab, to rave reviews. Although it has been his only post so far, inside sources tell me that more films are on the way soon.
-May 2nd, 2009: Illogical Contraption debuts a bold new 3-column format. In a stunning show of support, approximately 5 out of 7 readers vote it a positive improvement (actually, it was EXACTLY 5 out of 7 - total).
-May 8th, 2009: Second documented case of I.C. Hit Counter-related weirdness.
-A couple hours ago: The best record review EVER appears on Illogical Contraption.
10) Drudkh - Blood In Our Wells
9) (tie) Siege - Drop Dead & The Crucifucks - Our Will Be Done
8) (tie) Iron Lung - Life. Iron Lung. Death & Jerry Goldsmith - Logan's Run Soundtrack
7) Demilich - Nespithe
6) Deathspell Omega - Kenose
5) Discordance Axis - The Inalienable Dreamless
4) Jerry Goldsmith - The Omen Soundtrack
3) (tie) Rorschach - Protestant & Rudimentary Peni - Cacophony
2) Idiot Flesh - The Nothing Show
1) (tie) Malachi - Self-Titled & Facedowninshit - Shit Bloody Shit
In honor of this momentous occasion, a panel of distinguished judge convened to cast his votes in several different categories. After the meticulous process of counting my votes concluded, the results are in...

Ostensibly a love story about Sweet Baby Jay (shown at right as The Baroness) and blogger Kirby Serpents (played by Bruce Campbell), the film treatment itself is as creative as it is brutal, and as trippy as it is heartwarming. Currently, I'm in the negotiation process with four major studios who want to shoot Illogical Contraption: The Movie. I'll keep you guys updated on how that all turns out.




Read it here (not that anyone ACTUALLY WILL): ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE.
The best mise en scene, aka creative image manipulation, aka blogematography, has got to go to "ILLOGICAL CONTRAPTION: THE MOVIE" as well. Get a load of that header image (below)! It's a BLOG, WITHIN A BLOG, WITHIN A BLOG, WITHIN A BLOG! Fucking brilliant!

A three-way tie:
1) Michael Jackson and E.T. (it's the glowing finger that does it) from "HAPPY MONDAY" (Feb. 23rd, 2009):

2) Naked Richard Simmons covered in vegetables from "DISTURBING PICTURES OF RICHARD SIMMONS, VOL. 3" (March 26, 2009):

3) Last but not least - The "1# Dick Sucka" Tattoo from "STINKY INK" (Feb. 16th, 2009):


You just read it, bro.
5 months and a half already.... Keep up the good work Shelby!
I know someday I will be telling my grandkids about where I was the day Illogical Contraption was launched.
Actually, I kinda liked the boring posts, but I'm weird...
Thanks man, that Herbie post is coming soon...
Thank you too, but I'm sure EVERYONE will be telling their grandkids about where they were the day I.C. was launched.
I write the "boring" posts JUST FOR YOU, dude.
long may you conquer,Shelby!and count me in on those long-winded,'boring'pieces:cryptozoology?sumerian mythology?conspiracy theories?what's not to like?keep em'comin'.
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