Bridging the gap between the decline of Teutonic speed metal (Kreator, Destruction, Sodom) and the rise of Swedish deathrash (At The Gates, Nominon, Liers In Wait), teenage bangers Merciless blazed a trail of intense, sloppy metal through the heart of their Scandinavian homeland throughout the late 80's and early 90's, falling off the map after the release of their third full-length Unbound in 1994 but returning with a self-titled "comeback" album in 2003. The roots of the band go all the way back to '86, easily establishing them as fore-runners of the Swedeath scene, but it is the fact that this, their debut full-length, was the first release on Euronymous' Deathlike Silence label that most often finds it included as a footnote in the rich historical scrolls of extreme metal history.
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I rest my case.
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Good shit! Have all three of their first albums! Haven't listened to them in days - doing so now. Thanks!
kick ass, ''the treasures within'' is also a great album
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