Above: Yeah, so the picture is completely unrelated to the subject at hand. So what?
You know the deal. I pick out 5 albums from previously-awesome Metal bands that totally sucked. Then I make fun of them. Then you guys all agree, disagree, or point out your own candidates in the 'Comments' section. Let's get on with it.

I will always have Sepultura's back. They ruled, once upon a time, and for that, they have my respect. But they've made (and continue to make) some really bad calls in their day. You can't fuck with Morbid Visions, Bestial Devastation, Schizophrenia, Beneath The Remains, Dead Embryonic Cells, or Arise, obviously, but once Chaos AD came out, things started getting a little suspicious. Sure, Chaos was a pretty good album (I still rock "Propaganda" in the ol' iPod, and it's only the 8 GIG MODEL!), but something about it didn't quite smell right. What was all this "experimental" shit? WHOLE SONGS played on acoustic guitars? Where did the fuckin' THRASH go? Guardedly optimistic, Sep fans awaited their next release...
Which was total crap. Roots, released in the heyday of nu-metal, found these Brazilian freaks exploring some sort of self-proclaimed "tribalism meets technology" angle, which to me spells one thing: B-U-R-N-I-N-G M-A-N. Vague hints of hip-hop and techno popped up all over this abomination, which we all know have no place anywhere near METAL. It's been a slow downhill ride ever since. A-Lex? The Cavalera Conspiracy? Sorry, dudes, you lost me.

Above: Sepultura, circa 1985/86. Below: A mere decade later, a clean-shaven Max Cavalera and some dude with bad shades and dyed red hair were all that remained. So sad.


Fast forward to 2008. Mr. Tool's prophecy finally came true. The dreaded Cryptopsy sellout album finally landed, in the form of the metalcore/deathcore shitfest The Unspoken King. Clean singing? A keyboard player? Why, Cryptopsy, WHY?!

Above: Cryptopsy, 1994. Below: Cryptopsy, 2008. Faux-hawks? Hot Topic clothing? Say it ain't so, you bastards! Side note: Check out the look on original bassist Eric Langlois' face (far left). He is not happy about what happened to his band.


But that's beside the point. With Swansong, Carcass began playing a style of music they dubbed "rot and roll" (cringe), an apparent attempt at selling out that didn't land far enough on either side of the fence for anyone to like it. Gone were the weird changes and odd structures of Necroticism and Heartwork, replaced instead by the verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-chorus form practiced by inferior bands the world over. Weak.
Instead of "getting huge" like Metallica (their apparent inspiration for this pile of crap), Carcass actually did the right thing and just fucking BROKE UP. Before long, half of the band was playing in the bogus Arch Enemy, while Bill Steer ended up playing half-assed Dad Rock with Firebird (below). Ugh.


Always known as a band that never hesitated to push the Heavy Metal envelope, Celtic Frost had a great run over the course of their first 4 LP's, culminating in some really cool experimental stuff on 1987's Into The Pandemonium. So what happened in 1988? Cold Lake found Celtic Frost in full glam-metal mode, a confusing turn of events considering their previous output. In addition to its, uh, minimalist cover, the music on Cold Lake was utter bubblegum SHIT, but even THAT isn't the worst part... Warning: What you are about to see will shock and/or disturb you.

Above: Celtic Frost, 1985. Below: Photo from the back cover of Cold Lake.


Above: James Hetfield is forced to listen to his own music.

Below: Metallica, knowing that The Black Album was utter shit, even placed a hidden message on the cover of the album. Ever noticed it?

Dishonorable Mention: PANTERA - COWBOYS FROM HELL (1990)

I guess you could say Pantera... "Jumped the Shark"? (I guess that picture up top was related to the issue at hand after all.)

Sorry, Gavin. But it's true.
pretty sure phil wasnt in the band in the old days?
I hear you on the Sepultura thing.......pure heartbreak. I'll still put Schizophrenia up against almost anything and the next two are just fucking plain sickness but 95% of Roots blows. Chaos A.d> does boast "Biotech" and some great slow Apocalyptic moments...??????You win some......
You're the official Pantera historian, bro. Not me.
dude please learn how to collapse your articles!
I've tried, man! The HTML codes Blogger provided wouldn't read on the post template. Help me, Cory! In all your infinite wisdom, for god's sake help me!
I think all Pantera sucks
You can hate on pantera all you want cause you hate Led Zeppelin as much as I do.
No, it is worse than that for Sepultura. They put out an album produced by Ross Robinson, the Korn/Limp Biscuit producer during the height of the dark days of said music...featuring guest vocals by Jonathan Davis.
It was tribal back when everyone's grandma had a tribal tattoo. It was Rob Flynn's disease. And worst of all it was terrible. I bought it the day it came out and instantly hated it.
Usually when a band nose dives so hard, you can blame it on lineup changes (just look at Carcass; no Bill Steer = rot and roll) whether it is true or not. But there were no excuses with Roots.
I could write an essay about hating Roots. Yeah, people were sore about Metallica, and I understand that. But every metalhead worth his salt hates what they became. For me, there was something so despicable about Sepultura's fall from grace.
You're wrong about that Sepultura photo. The 'clean-shaven' guy with short hair is Igor Cavalera, not Max. Max is the guy with the red dreadlocks there. I can't tell if you already knew that and were being ironic.
Also I really like Roots(!) I guess that makes me a massive fucking poser
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