- Cobras
PS: Speaking of blood...
So I got axed to do a collection of songs based on the theme of BLOOD. Neat! When I think of heavy metal lyrics and blood, I usually think of altars, rituals, chalices and whatnot. Or slightly uncomfortable stances on Nationalism and ancestors and 'homelands'. Or vampires. Or straight-up gore. Goddamn, there's a beautiful rainbow of topics that pertain to blood. Being the free-thinking creative type that I am, I started to look through my collection for songs with blood or bleeding and stuff in the song title. But that doesn't mean that I just slapped together a bunch of blood-related tracks and called it a day (or did I?). Oh no, I've whittled down from many songs a pointed stick of mostly metal to poke you in the ear with. Get out your cotton swabs! So grab a nice cuppa and draw a bath Countess Bathory-style, cause this is what I came up with:

1. Profanatica - Spilling Holy Blood - A catchy little track from these American black metal stalwarts. More of an ugly early death metal vibe on this one.
2. Akitsa - Sang Nordique - A throbbing, hypnotic and bleak track performed by grumpy Quebecers.
3. Reverend Bizarre - Blood on Satan's Claw - With a chorus featuring high-pitched vocals delivered in a fashion that the Finnish seem to be able pull off so well. All hail the Bizarre Reverend.
4. Impaled Nazarene - Angel Rectums do Bleed - So I've heard. Pure class from ImpNaz, this is the first in a trilogy of bleeding angel rectum-themed tracks (yep) that continues over the next couple of albums.
5. Coffins - Blood and Bone - I proclaim this to be one of the heaviest tracks of the last few years. Japanese Autopsy-style doom-death.
6. Brocas Helm - Blood Machine - A jaunty tune from this killer NWOBHM-inspired band.
7. Order From Chaos - Blood And Thunder - Pummeling as fuck.
8. Blasphemy - Weltering in Blood - Just welterin' in it. One of the most influential bands in the genre, the powerlifting Canadians belch out some black filth.
9. Beherit - Werewolf, Semen and Blood - A tune from their classic Drawing Down the Moon album from these disciples of Blasphemy. Clearly one of the best song titles of all time.
10. The Meads of Asphodel - Blood Blasted Holy War - Heyyyy, one of my favourite Meads songs! Mirai Kawashima of Sigh lends his synth-playing fingers for this track.
11. His Hero Is Gone - Internally Bleeding - A minute and a half of seething sludgy-ness as a buffer before:
12. Revenge - Blood Division - If this song was a person they'd beat the shit out of me then vomit mustard gas onto my face.
13. Slough Feg - Cauldon of Blood - Our gracious host recently covered most of what I could think to say about this brilliant band. Just because, here's a picture that I took of Mike Scalzi and Adrian Maestas (partially obscured by flying metalhead hair) when I saw them play in Calgary last year:

Adrian looks like Abbath, but with hair instead of corpse paint.

My photo-editing skills are unparalleled.
14. Mutiilation - Tears of a Melancholic Vampire - There's nothing more tough and Metal than a crying depressed vampire.
15. World Burns To Death - Boiling Blood - Super upbeat and optimistic Texan hardcore.
16. Deströyer 666 - Levens Bloed - It means "Life's Blood". The Aussies speak a little German on this one. Good stuff.
17. Necrovation - Breed Deadness Blood - Great, great track of Swedish death metal in the style of the greats. Definitely one of the best bands doing this kind of thang.
18. Discharge - The Final Bloodbath - For the final song, get it? Shit, I'm clever.
All right sluts, thanks for reading! Here you go:
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