Above: The Great Kat aka Katherine Thomas - Mistress of the Shred
In case you're unfamiliar with the inferno of violin, piano and guitar shreddery known as The Great Kat, please take a moment to educate yourself:
Now that we're all on the same page, let's get to the matter at hand. Recently, I've been recieving emails from "Karen Thomas", head of Thomas PR, media machine for The Great Kat. I'm not sure how Thomas PR got my email address, but I've written briefly about Kat here, here, here, and here, and apparently someone was paying attention. Ms. Kat has emailed at least three times to let me know about breaking Kat News, which is notable for 2 reasons: A) This is the first time anyone's PR department has treated Illogical Contraption like a feasible media outlet, and B) She is offering promotional DVDs and posters to hype her new video (SWEET!). So I've written back, requesting said promotional items. Hopefully, you all will be reading a review of the NEW Great Kat "Beethoven's Shred" DVD really soon. And Ms. Kat, if you're reading, thanks for taking the time to add Illogical Contraption to your mailing list. You rule!
I bought the Great Kat "Extreme Guitar Shred " dvd on Amazon for about $4 watched it once and gave it too a homeless man who looked puzzled. It sucked.
I read this as: In case you're unfamiliar with the inferno of violin, piano and guitar shreddery known as The Great Kat, please take a moment to EJACULATE yourself
I bought the Great Kat "Extreme Guitar Shred " dvd on Amazon for about $4 watched it once and gave it too a homeless man who looked puzzled. It sucked.
That homeless man is now on tour in the Phillipines, working as a guitar tech for DragonForce.
I'd like to pet Kat's kitty. Nice to see recognition for IC by a somebody instead of the usual drug addled riff raff.
I read this as:
In case you're unfamiliar with the inferno of violin, piano and guitar shreddery known as The Great Kat, please take a moment to EJACULATE yourself
"I'd like to pet Kat's kitty"
Yeah, I'll show her finger blistering speed.
Who uses a white theme for their email?
Actually, the email was sent by Kat's sister (and publicist) Karen. Look for an IC interview with the Great One in the near future.
But you didn't hear that from me.
So, did she send the DVD after all?
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