Man, it's so cooool being a music blogger. Constantly posting only the most elite and obscure French / Australian / albino / midget / queer-positive experimental black metal, all those rare and out-of-print proto-metal records from the 70's, that weird side project that Kool Keith did with Jim Jay Bullock and half of the Doobie Brothers back in '86... Dude, so much "cred", I love it. Sometimes it's difficult for me to avoid breaking into a gleeful song and dance routine as I walk down the street, just from the enormous pressure of inner hipness bubbling inside me. It's like my own little beautiful secret, knowing that I'll always be so much cooler than everyone else, everywhere--because my taste in tunes is so absolutely obscure, so flawless, so perfect. I like to think of it as "The Unspeakable Pleasure Of Being Me", to quote Alice Donut's Pure Acid Park (you've probably never heard of it).
But this week, we're doing it different. That's right: GUILTY PLEASURES. Your hidden shame. All that mid-90's ska-punk you keep on your iPod for "irony's sake"? I want it. That Beyonce album? Give it up. It's time for honesty and sharing.
I'd personally like toinvite challenge all IllCon Contributors to post the most embarassing thing on their personal playback device this week, so that we can all cast judgment and scorn them accordingly.
I'll start:
NOFX - RIBBED (1991)

I'd personally like to
I'll start:
NOFX - RIBBED (1991)

Sick fucking riffs. Catchy choruses EVERYWHERE. Sooooo many classic jams, from the leadoff gem "Green Corn" to the cheesy nu-ska of "Food, Sex, and Ewe" to the witty wordplay of "Together On The Sand" to the album's undeniable centerpiece, "Cheese/Where's My Slice?". I am unashamed, friends. I've been jamming Ribbed on the reg for almost two decades. Soooo fucking obnoxious, soooo overwrought, sooooo amazing. This is only one of FOUR (count 'em, FOUR) NOFX albums on my already-crowded iPod.
Whatchoo got, fuckers? I guarantee I'll out-shame you again later this week.
Bring it.
Download HERE
Purchase HERE

PS: Seanford, allow me to stop you right there. The quote was "the most embarassing thing on their personal playback device". Present tense. I took that Weezer album off months ago. So just shut up.
Ha. I can outdo you. This week's guilty pleasure is Sophie Ellis-Bextor's new album 'Make A Scene'. I love her music and she herself is a stone FOX.
Post or GTFO
Fine, I'll post.
Even if it's obviously just a ploy to get me run off of the internet once and for all.
Right. Don't say I didn't warn you.
your lucky i have no posting rights...
by the way, ive been jammin this one since early teens as well. cheers
I'll give you posting rights if you really want 'em, bloodler. Email me.
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