I have consumed you more than solid food in the last four days. Yet I am endlessly coughing. I keep drinking you. I think you are opening my third eye.

I keep waking up in cold sweats, having hallucinated that I was wandering endlessly in a sunless forest. My clothing was replaced by a wolf's bane, I was surrounded by savage women, baring carnivorous teeth and bloody bosoms.

I was being dragged to a ceremony. It was a Ceremony of the most Bloody kind, being offered to the Great God Pan. Flutes and fires and fables. Oh my.

Blood Ceremony

Blood Ceremony
Happy 420, Manslaughter and the IC crew. Imma do 80 mg of oxy and get happy. Peace out, niggas!
The Cobras 420 Cocktail: Rice, assorted fruit, and bottled water. I'll teach you rookies about HARDCORE LIVING.
I'm pretty sure that's how they make Pruno (prison wine-vile stuff).
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