Both are complete garbage trash shit food but we eat them anyway.
Subway pros:
Cheap as fuck.
That magical bread smell!
Sandwiches are made by "artist" (I think they go to art school).
They are located everywhere.
Their spokesperson, Jared, is a really cool, cute dude.
Shredded lettuce does not live up to its name.
That magical bread smell
Too many sauces, so little time!
Tomatoes taste like fish.
Here is some advice regarding Subway breakfast from Hawaiian resident and "friend of the show" Grady. Heed his warning:
[15:28] grady: btw dont ever get breakfast at subway its disgusting
[15:29] cory: describe it to me
[15:29] grady : ok
[15:30] grady : i got an egg + cheese english muffin
[15:30] grady : they go
[15:30] grady : "do you want egg whites or whole eggs"
[15:30] grady : i go "whole eggs"
[15:30] grady : they reach into the little compartments where they keep all the sandwich toppings
[15:31] cory: right
[15:31] grady : and take out a PRE-COOKED pancake looking cold omlette
[15:31] grady : slices it in half
[15:31] grady : and tosses it in the microwave
[15:32] cory: ugh thats fucked up
Quiznos PROS:
Premium ingredients
MMMM toasty
Ranch dressing on MY sandwich? SIGN ME UP!
Those little guitar playing meme hamsters
We do not have Blimpies and Jimmy John on the West Coast but I am intrigued.
There is a "metal" food truck called Grill Em' All. Lol.
And now we will celebrate great sandwiches in movies.
My #1 is always and forever Gary Busey's meatball sub in Point Break. YEAH!
What is yours?
I like going to IKE's and wait for an hour and take pictures of my Pastrami.
Togo's has always been better.
Subway never puts enough meat on the sandwich, and Quizno's is way over priced for the skimpy portions and the accelerated staleness machine.
I don't know anything about Quiznos because we don't have those in Australia (at least not where I live) but we do have Subways, like, everywhere. They once offered me bacon on my sub and I said yes. They put that shit in the microwave. I don't eat at Subway anymore.
I don't miss that hot bread smell either because I can sit around outside the bakery that's less than a minute's walk away and get that.
Subway is limp and disappointing.
Quiznos is ok, but expensive. And can get sort of greezy.
Blimpies is actually ok-ish, but nothing I'd go out of my way for.
I used to live in Columbus, Ohio and lived off of Jimmy Johns. So they get my vote. If only for nostalgia.
Blimpies is west coast too!
2 in east bay, 3-4 in Sacramento.
my favorite sandwich is the kind that comes wrapped in a tortilla.
There are Blimpie places on the West Coast. There are some in Sacto for sure.
The worst thing about Quizno's and Subway has to be their "guacamole."
Shit you guys, I almost forgot! This really is for Nor Cal folks only, but Mr Pickles reigns supreme! It's the closest any chain I've been to has come to making a "real" sandwich. Alright, I'm done.
1)Subway's bread smell I'm pretty sure is toxic fumes.
2)Quizno's "toasted" sandwiches are soggy. WTF?
4) This has been the best post on IlCon in, like, ever.
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