Have I pounded the importance of obtaining Dawn's 1994 album Nær Sólen Gar Niþer For Evogher into your thick fucking skulls yet? Hopefully I have, but if not, here it goes again: FAILURE TO WORSHIP AT THE ALTAR OF DAWN WILL RESULT IN YOUR EXPULSION FROM FURTHER ILLCON LECTURES, AND ALSO HASTEN THE EXPOSURE OF YOUR POSE TO THE BROS. Got it? Good.
That being said, the importance of Dawn's swan song Slaughtersun is roughly twice that of Nær Sólen, meaning that failure to recognize will result in no less than instant execution on grounds of pure, inexcusable poserhood. THIS is the closest that any other Swedish band came to the pure black/death perfection of Dissection. THIS is one of the few acts that can maintain my rapt attention throughout a long series of 8-to-12-minute songs. Shit, THIS is one of the few bands that can even play 8-to-12-minute songs of this caliber, speed, and intensity, without relenting, pussing out, or going all turgid.
Fucking. Awesome. Fucking. Metal. Have I made myself clear?
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Purchase HERE

Ahh... It's always a pleasure to wake up to DAWN.
I like that picture of them. It looks like they just ran into a museum, sat down, took the picture, and ran out again...
Thanks for this, it is a classic. I definitely see the comparison to Dissection (Somberlain especially), and of course Sacramentum (Far away from the sun).
I prefer the first album to Slaughtersun, but I still like it a lot. I don't think it really stands up to Sacramentum's Far Away from the Sun, but it's a good one.
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