Oh, that's right. It was in The Globe. My bad.
Anyway, I know this might sound insensitive, but I think it would be funny if Tiger Woods killed himself. Am I the only one? I'm not trying to be a dick, but when I saw that headline I started giggling. I don't giggle very often, but the idea of Tiger offing himself just struck me as, well, hilarious. Especially if it was an "accident".
This has nothing to do with my post, or maybe what follows has nothing to do with this post. Doesn't matter I suppose.
Norwegian Redneck Metal
Burning Rubber was (is?) from Norway. The band formed in the late 1990's, but they aren't black metal. They sound like Motorhead, actually. A lot like Motorhead. And their slogan was "Redneckker Than You".
I met their bassist, Dimmit, in New York in 2002. He showed me 'interesting' pictures of his girlfriend and I promised to arrange a few shows for his band in the midwest. It turned out to be a disaster for me, but the band seemed to have fun and they gave me a free t-shirt, so it wasn't all bad. This guy, however, was an asshole...

Burning Rubber didn't release much, to my knowlege, but here is their demo and their first album Trailer Trash. If you like Motorhead or Turbonegro you might dig this.
trailer trash
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