What's up gang? I haven't had time to post in the past couple of months because I've been busy with my drinking. You understand. But I recently stumbled across an album so fucking rad that I couldn't NOT share. Jericho is a psychedelic hard rock band from Israel circa 1972. I did some research and discovered that the members originally played in a band called the Churchills, at some point changed their name to Jericho Jones, and later shortened that to Jericho.
But none of that matters to me. The only thing I care about is that I haven't stopped listening to this album since I found it. That almost never happens to me, especially not with obscure bands like this. I am somewhat of an amateur expert on drugged up rock music, and let me tell you, this album delivers. The first song comes on like Frank Black crossed with a lighter version of Kyuss, then at about the two-minute mark, drops into a ripping later-Butthole Surfers-style chorus. In 1972. But wait, don't take my word for it:
Check out the one comment on the Youtube page: "This is what music is meant to sound like." I fully agree.
Track Listing:
1. Ethiopia
2. Don't You Let Me Down
3. Featherbed
4. Justin and Nova
5. Kill Me WIth Your Love
In totally unrelated news, I just got my first tattoo!

First wanted to say that I prefer the option of listening to a sample via YouTube (over downloading mp3 to computer). In my case, I listen at work.
Also, this song is groovy, man.
If I can't find em on Myspace, I'm not even gonna bother.
en este preciso momento estoy escuchando la rola de Ethiopia¡
descargando, saludos desde el Extraño Delirio
I am not sure if this is exactly what music has to sound like, but it is very... hum, lets say interesting. I am going to download this and see what it has to deliver, but this thing is way too psychedelic for me.
I totally agree about this record, it's one of teh absolute bestest obscurities I have found, check out my blog man: http://aftersabbath.blogspot.com/
Thanx a lot!
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