Answer: EXTREME ELVIS, of course! (pictured at left, astride a midget)
E.E. burst onto the San Francisco music scene right around the turn of the millenium in a maelstrom of nudity, bodily fluids, sexual assault, broken equipment, and good old ROCK AND ROLL. Although some saw his live performances as contrived (his act was a combination of the vulgar stage antics of the late Mr. Allin and another late 90's SF local known as Nude Elvis), E.E. concerts were the place to be if you wanted to be punched, fondled, pissed on, or have a poo-flecked microphone shoved in your face. He performed not only the classics of Elvis Presley, but over-the-top renditions of the songs of many 70's singers and metal groups, both with his own backing band (who were usually naked as well) and also the notorious SF collective known as the Extra Action Marching Band.
Enjoy a video of Extreme Elvis performing Black Sabbath's "Black Sabbath" with the help of the Extra Action Marching Band (shot by my bro Kevin Brown - to check out his HUGE collection of Bay Area concert footage, click here):
(You can check out more E.E. audio/video here)

Right: E.E. rocks the most "extreme" case of Mammal Toe ever documented in the history of Western civilization.
For a brief, shining moment, Extreme Elvis achieved enough notoriety to be featured in both Maxim and Blender, but unfortunately he dropped off the radar around 2006, amidst rumors of FBI harassment and allegations of copyright infringement. His official website disappeared altogether, and to date there isn't even an E.E. Wikipedia page. Alas, the world was not prepared for his unique style of gonzo entertainment, and although his morbidly obese visage has all but vanished from the public eye, this particular Bro will always remain in the hearts and memories of his dedicated fan base (whether they like it or not).

ADDED BONUS: Need something to cheer you up today? How 'bout a clip of a bird shitting in a news reporter's mouth:
that video is staged but done well, ha, those canadians.
here's something for you
Seen it.
Here's a way better poorly drawn, metal-related comic. PS the lyrics are from this song....
I emailed Extreme Elvis back in 2003 if he'd come up to Vancouver, and surprisingly he did and provided the hugest spectacle ever witnessed in Canada. He also did some pretty awesome minor threat covers
I saw extreme Elvis by chance one night in Olympia, Wa. I was shocked and amazed by his wild antics (ggstyle)but the music rocked too. Revvd up versions of Elvis hits can be fun after a pitcher or two. The crowd got naked as well! Have you ever seen a naked woman slam dance?? Its hilarious.
When I walked into the club he was lying in the gutter passed out in front of the venue. I think he was faking that, shock value ++
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