On December 4th, 2010, an unprecedented number of Illogical Staff Writers gathered in a secret location for the second annual Illogical Contraption Writers Retreat. Cory, Peter, Manslaughter, Erik Del Tigre, Seanford and even the boss, Shelby B. Cobalas, were all rumored to be present. In addition to this overwhelming number of interweb elite, many IC contributors and epically tight bros were spotted in the area. Some reports mention Wendy Stonehenge, Mike Scalzi and Clint B somewhere in the vicinity of the meeting. Here now, for the first time in a public forum, are the minutes form the Illogical Gathering. Unedited and unauthorized.

In all honesty, this is an extremely accurate graphic representation of how the weekend's events transpired.
You were too late on the Inquisition train, therefore you were too false to come. I was there in Astral form, like Doctor Strange or some shit.
Sorry Jaime but he kinda nailed it.
Further IC summits in February and March. Buy yer Greyhound tickets now.
I heard Cobras fought a guy
Where are the drunk Santas?
santas cost double
I musta been Loko'd cuz I don't remember any of that shit.
I can't wait until I don't pose so hard.
That will be rad.
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