It is pure insanity that I hadn't seen this movie until a week and a half ago, and I am now a changed man. There are no words to describe the experience. Either you've been there or you haven't. Wikipedia says this: "The film is about a schoolgirl traveling with her six classmates to her ailing aunt's country home, where they come face to face with supernatural events as the girls become devoured by the home one by one." I say that any attempt at trying to explain this film is doing it a disservice.

Hausu is just plain nuts--funny, weird, and completely "outsider"--while still being almost as creepy as this:
... or this:
But like I said, explanation = disservice. How about I show you a quick preview, and then let Hausu explain itself... With pictures?

Hausu has finally received international release, meaning you can now get it on Netflix. But I recommend just buckling down and buying it instead. This thing warrants repeat viewing.

... Now go download the amazing soundtrack courtesy of Brother Phelpster over at The Manchester Morgue. You're welcome.

this looks fucking amazing.
It's nowhere near as good as listening to an Artery Eruption album, but yeah, it's pretty fucking rad.
This is a classic I even have a homemade "House" coffee cup !
Looks and sounds pretty pretty good. I'll hunt it down.
Got it, but I'll be a monkeys uncle if I know how to make the subs work - WTF is an SRT file?!?!
Yeah this flick is awsome.
Love this movie!
One of the best ever. The "Ennio Morricone"-Part is one of the funniest moments in the movies i can remember.
this flick is badass, required viewing to work at my ole video store.
thing that should not be, the srt file is the subtitles. try something like mplayer (http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/projects.html#mplayer_frontends) or vlc player. makes subtitles much easier to deal with
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