But you know me, I've always got to share the joy. So here you go:

This is definitely a "rare/share" situation, as this OST is pretty tough to find. So unless you want to pay $250-$300 for your own physical copy from Amazon, feel free to procure your own non-physical copy right here, right now, courtesy of your old buddies here at The Cobras Estate. You're welcome.
Download HERE
Next weekend: Alien marathon?
I'm glad some else liked it. Everyone I talk to about Predators seems to be too eager to slam the movie to even begin to enjoy it. I thought the movie was pretty fun, the "hunting dogs" ruled.
Is A vs P 2 really worth watching?
I liked it too, and even though I'm a hardcore fan of the first one (Aliens as well..so much so I haven't even bothered attempting to watch either of the AVP movies. I did own the AVP2 computer game though :]) I actually didn't mind all of the homages.
Next up, ya better show him the Conan movies(maybe he's already schooled on those?) Carry on....
thanks for the link exchange!
this site has always been one of the best. and now a bunch of predator shit?!? killer.
anyways, take care!
Nice Cobras. But AVP 2? Yikes. Predators looks fun, might try and get to it this week.
A L I E N = GREATEST MOVIE EVER MADE. Next year could be the shit as far as monster movies. Ridley's return to the series and he wants to bring Giger back with him. It's a dream come true for me. And a prequel to my OTHER favourite monster movie: Carpenter's THE THING. So far things are looking pretty good for that one, good casting etc.
AVP2 was one of the worst films I ever saw. Seriously. Up there with Spider-Man 3, The Flintstones Movie and One Night At McCools. I watched it again on acid......it was WORSE.
AVP was bad in a haphazard, poorly-shot, we're-just-here-to-cash-in-on-a-good-idea kind of way, whereas AVPR (or AVP2) was bad in a we're-raping-two-dignified-sci-fi-franchises-and-turning-them-into-a-banal-teen-slasher-flick kind of way. To me, that's less offensive - so much less, in fact, that I was actually able to find enjoyment in the latter. As to whether it's "worth seeing" separate from a Predator/Alien marathon: it depends where you stand on shitty movies. I like 'em.
And the PredAlien was kind of sweet.
The Burke cocoon scene is going to be on the new Aliens blu-ray.
At first I was gonna web-yell at you, Shelby, for saying AVPR was remotely good. Then I read your comment here and got you.
Cory: You've just given me reason to upgrade to Blu-Ray.
Indeed Cory, I just checked out the specs on that ALIEN set, and even though I don't have a bluray, I want that box. They even FINALLY got the cover art right. Original ALIEN logo and Giger's alien design.
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