In today's raunchy and scandalous episode, Jason Walton (Agalloch, Especially Likely Sloth, Celestial, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Self-Spiller, etc) divulges sordid details about Aesop's past, gets candid about raising weird daughters, and slings insults at Shelby as if they'd met before or something. It's fucked up!
If you like to relax during entertainment, spoilers for you as follows: The O.F.P., Jeff Walker's Cowboy Hat, Professor Harry And The DMD Signature Fuckstyle, How To Build A Wooden Toilet, Deeply Moved By The Events of 9/11, Of Mirrors And Distressed Manatees, Fog Machines And The Resulting Digestional Tract Issues (Can You Sign This?), All Aboard America (Another Train Gang Bang), Making Out With One-Armed Mary, Happy Birthday Calvyn (Here's Your Invoice!), "Goodbye You Old Stinky Asshole!", How Hickey Killed Tupac, Buckets, Tarps, and Bodily Fluids, Glen Benton: DMD Arch-Nemesis, Bill Steer's Guide To Gentle Lovemaking, Weird Old Grind Dudes, The Thing About The Rest Stop, What The Fuck Is That Guy Running From?, What Aesop Does Like A Sailor, #SceneBeef, Confusion About Corys, Pitching vs Catching in the Heavy Metal Gay World, Canadian Angel Dust, Feeding The Baby feat. Mystifier, Idyllic Punk Bass Player Parenting, Gross Coffee Noises feat. A Gross Burp, Roommates Showing Up Early, Slovenian Bullshit, False Leg Cramps, Involuntary Abstinence, Fake Ejaculate Mustard, Killing Your Sex Partner feat. A Sick Eyepatch, Siqq Salt Lake City Shows, What's Your Point?, and Swiss Racial Tension! All this plus The DMD Bump, Fatherly Advice, Dad Sex, Listener Emails, Hotel Keys, High Life, and Laffs Galore! Tune in numbnuts, you're gonna die soon!
Carcass, "Lavaging Expectorate Of Lysergide Composition"
Jeff Walker Und Die Fluffers, "End of The World"
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