So it's been a while since I've put
anything up here. I know I've been forsaking my Illcon
responsibilities (Illcon-sibilities?) but I wanted to make
sure whatever I came back with was solid. And nothing seemed to jump
out at me. Yeah, there are some good metal albums and weird
conspiracies out there, but I wanted something really cool.

So I was gonna take one for the team,
read this thing, describe it. But I just can't. It just looks so
shitty. And I have a consistently growing pile of great books I need to get around to that I don't
have enough time for. But I don't think it matters. You don't need
to really read this book at all. All that's necessary are a few quotes to know the general gist of the
thing. I genuinely
feel that a fairly fleshed-out impression of the book's overall plot
can be gleaned from a handful of these lines.
-"'Joo guys are the rock group,
right?' the short, cute Brazilian prostitute asked."
Monty yelled, his voice cracking."
-"Porn queen, Satan's slut, get
on your knees and fuck. Suck and moan and show your cunt and let
the jiz run down your butt."
'Bloody Hell' mean?' Bobby Shapiro asked, smiling. 'Is that the
English version of 'Oh
Fuck' or something?'"
Norman Mailer?' one of the record company executives asked.
who wrote All In The Family,
I think,' Bobby Shapiro said."
was the type of hood an executioner would wear, except that it had
white lines on it. It took Gil
only a second to realize that the white lines on the hood Monty was
wearing formed an upside-down
walked over to the homeless man and, with his back to the street,
pulled out his gun. He had
screwed a silencer on it. This was his chance to get another soul to
serve him in Hell."
was looking into the barrel of the pistol, helplessly knowing that at
any second a bullet would
spew from the gun and rip her open like a cantaloupe."
could you please fuck me? I'm so excited from watching you pee I
think I'm going to explode."
so on. And from my willfully ignorant standpoint, I maintain that
those quotes are enough, that not even reading the entirety of the
text would answer the lingering questions. Is this book designed as
some sort of weird Christian propaganda? Even skimming it turned up
far too much anal sex and too many golden showers to make that likely. And if
that's not the point, then who is the intended audience? It's
far too ignorant of metal and Satanism to appeal to many fans of
either, and far too lurid for the more moralistic of readers. Were
the clumsy metaphors just the product of a bad writer, or does the
author actually rip open cantaloupes? Who is the author? His or her
website features only a cover image of this book with no further
information. It's a thoroughly confounding work, one I'm glad I
purchased and perused but happier still that I didn't spend more than
about twenty minutes skimming and summing up.
(What I imagine the author thinks metal sounds like)
Also, if anybody wishes to read this modern masterpiece, I'll mail it to you for the cost of postage (and considering that there's one on Amazon for $131.65 right now, this may be the deal of a lifetime.)
I fell like this could be an IllCon t-shirt or something.
Illogical Contraption - SLUT KILLERS FOR SATAN!
Oh that video brought more than a smile but it totally left me wanting for the actual band Black Death. That s/t of their is bad arse, mass headbanging from the first song.
I love reading shit books - even more than I love writing reviews of shit metal albums.
I'll read, it review it, analyse it, the lot!
Far more effort then it would deserve.
email me -
The actual Black Death does totally fucking rule. I've been trying to track down their LP forever.
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