Too much fucking metal on IllCon these days. Anyone remember Prog Blog Wednesdays? Fuckin' A. That shit was chill as fuck. I think everyone just needs to light up a giant hooter and tune in to some of this shit:
"Metal". Psshhht.

Purchase HERE

Purchase HERE
ARGUS (1972)

Purchase HERE
PS: Did you idiots know that Stephen Hawking himself visited Illogical Contraption Radio last Friday? Or that he was chair-pitting at an Anal Cunt concert at Gilman in '88? Get caught up:
Almost as good as that time Michael Dorn called in, right?
I was out record shopping with my roommate a few weeks ago and he was laughing at a Wishbone Ash album based on the band name. When we were driving home I played him "Warrior" which made him realize the error of his ways.
Word! Now, I enjoy reading every IllCon blog post even though I don't listen to that much metal, but I was totally waiting for something like this for quite a while. How about bringing back Prog Blog Wednesdays? If not Wednesdays then any day of the week will do fine!
So let me get this straight: first it's all "I need new writers, I can't do this by myself, wah wah," then you get new writers on board and it's all "wah, too much metal, can't handle so much brootalz." Time to go upstairs and wash out your pussy, dude.
On a related note, Argus is essential. Probably haven't listened to it in 10 years at least. Thanks for this. Awesome post.
If I ever survive next week's finals, I have a series of posts I'd like to do that are non-metal related. I just haven't had the time to put much together as of late - hence my impromptu tribute to the Northland. Shit, I haven't even showered in like two days (or has it been three?) - fucking hippies, I know - nor have I slept much for that matter...
Thanks for the Wishbone Ash post though! I've been looking to acquire some of their stuff. And yes, Argus is a great album!
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