Supreme Chuckles / Shut Up I’m Still Talking / This Is Ford Country / Fogle's Palace / You Be The Judge / Al Sizzler / Video Game Cover Songs Before They Were Cool / Morning Show Boot Camp / Armenian Lamb Sacrifices
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Happy New Year!
Erik, what kind of porn do you like ?, i prefer the Windows Vista Media Centre clips. the same 5 or 6 thrusts of the dick in and out of the birds bum over and over again or the same 5 or 6 squirts of spunk into the birds gob over and over again, somehow i find it easier to jerk-off to the repetition of those clips rather than watching the entire movies, perhaps because the clips essentially represent and constitute such beautifully encapsulated and perfectly modulated masturbation-aids par-excellence (as it were), where-as the complete movies can be much more eratic in their content both with regards to actual quality and type of scene on veiw at any given point during the 20 minute running time. Also of course another major plus and bonus that you get with the very best of the clips is that you never have to worry about a hideous and horrifying blokes arse suddenly coming into the shot and spoiling your wank.
Erik, would you agree that when Pauline Hickey was 17 in 1985 she was THE most incredibly gorgeous bird of all-time ! ?.
I want to bugger Carrie Fisher (as the bird was in 1974 when the bird was 18, not as the bird is now obviously).
Erik, did you realise that you posted this item on what would`ve been Heather O`Rourkes 40th birthday ! ! !.
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