Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Guilty Pleasures Week - The Goodkind

Booze has always been just a little more important to me than music, and I have always been in a pretty low income bracket, so often, my least listened to albums got traded in for beer money. Since I no longer possess some of the more shameful items of my audio-past, things like Belly's first album or some crazy shit from the guy who used to stock the cigarette machine at my job in Albuquerque, I'll give you this.

I have never been more castigated or verbally abused for anything (even the Belly) as much as for my appreciation of Mariachi. My ex-girlfriend would yell in anger at me for putting it on. At my own birthday party, at which I cooked all the Mexican food that they were eating, "friends" asked me to turn it off. I have only this to say: Chinga sus malditas madres cabrones.
Here is what is still my favorite Mariachi album from actor/singer Fernando Fernandez who was active in the post-World War II period.

Fernando Fernandez 100 Anos de Musica disco 1

(sorry, these files are in .wma format, that said I have the other disc too if you really want it)

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