Thursday, June 24, 2010

Nothing Says "Subtlety" Like Surra de Bunda

OK, we've all seen "Surra De Bunda" (which translates, by contrasting accounts, as "butt beat", "ass-licking", or "butt-pounding") videos by now, butt let's take another minute or two to admire this new Brazilian dance craze's nuances, subtlety, and subdued hints of sexuality.

Such elegance, such mysterious femininity...

A true art form.

Hey look I got you a new Blogger avatar!


  1. I can't stop laughing! So fucking funny.

    Also, that first video is the closest thing I've ever seen to a real-life Robert Crumb cartoon.

    Sold gold, all around.

  2. Sean, no comment yet (are you and shelby on a bro break)..if the blog had audio, this post would be playing Master P just for you..Uggghhhhhn

  3. takes salad tossing 2 a whole new level fo sho...

  4. There's something going on with the captchas here tonight:


  5. My eyes!!!

    Please remember that your sister reads this blog.
